Tear staining is so common in french bulldogs because of the wrinkles in their faces, it traps dust and dirt. What Causes It? Excessive tears running down a frenchies face has two causes: too many tears produced or insufficient tear drainage. Epiphora caused by too many tears is an automatic response to irritants such as dust, infection, allergens, poor diet or a health problem. Think of tearing as a symptom of a health problem as you would if you had a runny nose. It's one way bodies rid themselves of toxins. Epiphora can also result when normal tearing doesn't drain properly because of structural defects (genetics) or blockage or inflammation of the tear ducts.
If your frenchie suffers with tear stains heres a couple of tips, keep it clean and dry, use antibacterial wipes to clean it and the dry with some cotton wool. When i spoke to my vet they told me to use warm salty water, please do not do this! As my zeus's face was sore this stung him so much that he got a little bit snappy so please try other methods before doing this.
What i have been finding very useful is to clean with sensitive baby wipes, drying it and then on a cotton bud put some sudocream in the crease then wiping it with some tissue straight away. This stops them scratching it and keeps it dry and clean. If you are going to use creams like bepanthem and germaline make sure you wipe it off and do not keep the area moisr as it will cause a bacterial ground!
If it doesnt clear up and is still causinf discomfort to your frenchie consult your vet as there is some strong cream and even anitbiotics to help clear it up
Puppy Tear Staining. Puppies tear as they grow and the shape of their face changes. They also tear when teething. This condition is normal and will often go away on its own. Please do NOT give antibiotics to puppies to stop tear staining. You may set them up for a lifetime of digestive disorders, discoloured teeth, yeast infections and other health problems. Sometimes tearing disappears when you switch your Frenchie from so called premium, natural commercial food to fresh food. It returns rarely, only during illness or allergy season. )
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